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UniTok in CLI

Download the required tiny dataset for demonstration!

Please download UniTok-tokenized tiny dataset and unzip the file before running the code snippets.

Please also download item parquet and try integrate action.

UniTok also provide a unitok command line interface (CLI) for users to interact with the library in shell.

You can use unitok to have an overview of the tokenized data directory, add new tokenization jobs, or remove existing jobs. unitok <path> is the main command to interact with the tokenized data directory. The <path> argument is the path to the tokenized data directory.

Action: summarize

To get an overview of the tokenized data directory, you can directly use unitok <path> without any additional arguments. It is identical to unitok <path> --action summarize.

unitok sample-ut/item
UniTok (v4), Data (v4)
Sample Size: 10
ID Column: nid
Tokenizer Tokenizer ID Column Mapping Vocab Max Length
TransformersTokenizer auto_2VN5Ko abstract -> abstract@llama llama (size=32024) 50
EntityTokenizer auto_C0b9Du subcategory -> subcategory subcategory (size=8) N/A
TransformersTokenizer auto_2VN5Ko title -> title@llama llama (size=32024) 20
EntityTokenizer auto_4WQYxo category -> category category (size=4) N/A
BertTokenizer auto_Y9tADT abstract -> abstract@bert bert (size=30522) 46
BertTokenizer auto_Y9tADT title -> title@bert bert (size=30522) 16
EntityTokenizer auto_qwQALc nid -> nid nid (size=10) N/A

Action: Integrate

You can directly define a new job to tokenize the original data and integrate it into the tokenized data directory.

Argument Default Type Description
--file / -f N/A str The path to the original data file, required .parquet format, or .csv, or .tsv format with \t delimiter.
--column / -c N/A str The column name to tokenize.
--name / -n N/A str The tokenized column name.
--vocab / -v None str The vocabulary name.
--tokenizer / -t None str The tokenizer classname.
--tokenizer_id None str The tokenizer ID.
--truncate None int The maximum length of the tokenized sequence.
--lib None str The directory path of the custom tokenizers.

Example: Integrate with Built-in Tokenizers

unitok \
    sample-ut/item \
    --file item.parquet \
    --column title \
    --name title@llama2 \
    --vocab llama2 \
    --tokenizer transformers \
    --toeknizer.key meta-llama/llama-2-7b-hf \
    --tokenizer_id llama2 \
    --truncate 20 \
    --action integrate
unitok \
    sample-ut/item \
    --file item.parquet \
    --column abstract \
    --name abstract@llama2 \
    --vocab llama2 \
    --tokenizer_id llama2 \  # will use the existing tokenizer  
    --truncate 50 \
    --action integrate

Example: Integrate with Custom Tokenizers


import string

from unitok import DigitTokenizer

class CounterTokenizer(DigitTokenizer):
    def __call__(self, obj: str):
        obj = obj.lower()
        count = 0
        for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
            count += c in obj
        return super().__call__(count)
unitok \
    sample-ut/item \
    --file item.parquet \
    --column title \
    --name title@counter \
    --vocab counter \
    --tokenizer CounterTokenizer \
    --tokenizer_id counter \
    --action integrate \
    --lib tokenizers

Action: Remove

You can remove an existing job from the tokenized data directory by specifying the column name.

unitok \
    sample-ut/item \
    --name title@bert \
    --action remove